Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Media Literacy

            Every teacher has experienced a moment when a student poses a question that the teacher may not have answers to. I can say it has definitely happened to me! It’s important that students understand when we do not know the answers to a question, we research and explore the world for answers. I have caught myself saying, “Great question, research the answer and bring it to class tomorrow.” With the world at our fingertips we can easily access information to all questions. However, is the information we read valid or opinionated?

            According to Herold (2016) fewer than 4 percent of 7th graders could correctly navigate the internet and determine the overall reliability of the information presented on a site. The University of Connecticut conducted a study and found many middle schoolers who believed that a new species of octopus lived in trees (clearly this is an issue). Herold (2016) also states “on every policy issue that has an impact on the daily life of ordinary citizens, there are private interests working to sway public opinion by pretending to be something they’re not. It misleads and blinds us” (para. 10).

            Is determining the reliability of resources properly being taught in classrooms? As educators, it’s important that we teach our students these critical thinking skills that will assist them when navigating resources. This skill is referred to as “media literacy- the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create information using multiple forms of communication” (Herold, 2016). So how do we do this? The National Center for Media Literacy Education explains that as teachers and students we must ask ourselves key questions:
·         Who paid for this?
·         When was it made?
·         Who might benefit?
·         What is left out of this message that may be important to know?
·         How was this information shared with the public?

Teachers can also require explanations on reference sheets. Students must provide clarification for each reference that was selected and how they distinguish if that source is reliable (Herold, 2016).

While teaching students media literacy it’s also vital that students understand plagiarism. I personally believe it’s important that we start students off as early as possible. For example, in third grade students practice finding evidence within the text to support their answer. I have noticed many students want to copy straight from the passage. I try to teach my students the importance of paraphrasing information and not taking credit for something that was not created by them. We practice many evidence based writing stems like: according to the text, the author states, in the story, etc. These are skills students will use for the rest of their academic careers. By teaching our students these habits early on, we are avoiding future issues with plagiarism and media literacy.


            Herold, B. (2016, December 8). Fake new, bogus tweets raise stakes for media literacy. Education Week. Retrieved from

Friday, February 3, 2017

Blended Learning

            Integrating technology is something that is growing vastly in today’s education. According to Bonk & Graham (2006) blended learning is defined as “combining instructional modalities, instructional methods, online and face-to-face instruction.” In the past we have seen learning take place in two separate ways, online or face-to-face. However, as technology has grown learning is now taking place by blending the two. Blended learning has a positive effect on pedagogy by improving peer-to-peer, active learning, and learning centered strategies.
            Horn and Staker (2011) explain that blended learning is a way of personalizing the learning experience for students. The blended learning model used at Carpe Diem learning center alerts teachers when students are struggling with a problem within 3 minutes. This can be extremely beneficial not only for students, but teachers. Teachers are capable of identifying right away which students need the most support before testing. Blended learning also allows students to work at their own pace on skills they need most.
            I love that blended learning gives students the opportunity to mold their learning experience. Utilizing technology in the classroom for blended learning gives teachers more time in the classroom to differentiate instruction. Students are capable of working on their own using technology that accommodates to their needs, while the teacher has extra time to differentiate his/her face-to-face instruction.
I think it’s important that teachers find the balance between the models of blended learning. It’s important that we don’t see blended learning as having all students work on the computers using the same program at the same time. It’s imperative that each student is also receiving that individualized one-on-one time with the teacher, as well as programs that are targeted towards each student’s needs.
In my classroom, I have a few students work on the computer on programs that fit their subject area needs. I then pull small groups according to learning levels and give instruction small group. It’s important that the programs selected for blended learning are programs that students can utilize on their own, this will ensure the teacher’s time is devoted to small group. The remaining students work on activities or games that could be paper based. When I vision blended learning I see all students working on task and engaged.


            Bonk, C. & Graham, C. (2006). The handbook of blended learning. San Francisco, CA: Pfieffer.

Horn, M. & Staker, H. (2011). The rise of k-12 blended learning. Retrieved from